Guruphiliac: Oasis TV: Guruvision In LA

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Oasis TV: Guruvision In LA

File under: Gurutainment and The Great While Botherhood

A veritable fountain of New Age™ gurudom is bubbling over at Oasis TV. Notice the deep diversity of teachers and preceptors offering their wisdom. From the revered Alan Watts, one of the greats of the 60s, to the reviled Benjamin Creme of today—the insanely deluded Dr. Evil of the Great White Botherhood, but with hair.

Since we don't live in LA, where Oasis TV is available on cable, we won't have a chance to catch Alan demonstrate the "power of weakness." But we do believe someone needs to catch Benjamin Creme and stuff a clue in his mouth. He's been braying about the appearance of Maitreya for so long that we hear the "World Teacher" isn't going to show up at all anymore. The poor thing just doesn't feel he can live up to the expectations.

While we wait for Ben to catch up with reality [Ed.note: About as likely as our recovering those chunks of drug-ablated grey matter,] we'll be keeping our eye on Oasis TV. We have a feeling it's going to be the go-to source during the slower guru news days now.


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